Well, we added a new family member yesterday - a 7 year old male cat named Tiger. He belonged to our daughter and son-in-law, but he was miserable at their house. My grandson is loud and boisterous and Tiger was always hiding from him. Every time we went over for a visit, he came running to me as if to say "save me"! Tiger had stayed with us for a few weeks, three years ago, when our daughter and hubby were staying with friends and their new house wasn't finished. He seemed happy with us then, and since our old cat passed away last summer, we thought our remaining cat, Thumper, might like some company.
It seemed reasonable that Tiger might be quite upset with moving to a strange house but boy, were we wrong. He came out of the cage with a smile on his face and you could almost hear him saying "it took you long enough!" In less than a day, he is completely settled and our cat Thumper is all set to play. One would think he had been here forever - just look at that blissful face!