Well, it's here - the day my husband, Neil, gets to carry the Olympic Torch, at 3:50 p.m. We drove to Camp Borden on Sunday, so we would be sure to know exactly where to go for the meeting and to see what the torch route was like. It's nice to feel sure that you are in control ;o) There have been some protests in Ontario and one torch carrier in Guelph was actually tripped. We are very happy that Neil's run will be in the Armed Forces base. There is supposed to be a way to view it live on the interactive Olympic site http://www.vancouver2010.com/
but I haven't had a chance to figure it out.
The weather here has been quite mild, but tonight there was a huge drop as a cold front moved in and "surprise", tomorrow's weather will be between -17 and -25 degrees, and for those of you who don't know the Celsius scale, it's BLOODY COLD LOL!
So, we got things ready today, and we pretended we were still living in Deep River ( a small town up north that was always freezing!) We made sure we all have warm clothing to wear tomorrow.
- thermal underwear
- lots and lots of layers of clothing
- extra heavy socks, gloves, scarves,
- snow pants and ski doo gloves for our grandson
- snow boots for everyone
So, off we go on our adventure - we'll be sure to have a blast and take lots of pictures so check back in a few days.