Boy I get frustrated with myself. I got Photoshop elements 7 for Christmas over a year ago - I had really wanted it but like a lot of things, you have to make time for it. It's been installed on my computer for ages and every time I went to use it, I ended up going back to my old Photoshop elements 3, because it was simpler and I already knew how to use it.
I am a hoarder of all things, especially magazines and books. Every month, I buy new Stampington magazines - they are sooooo full of eye candy and every month I would promise myself I would get around to playing with Photoshop elements 7 and learn to do some of the altered art I adore. I now realize that if I don't MAKE time to learn how to use it, it will be obsolete soon LOL! So, I made a promise to myself to take some of the time I spend online each day (WAY TOO MUCH!) and systematically play with elements 7, until I have mastered it. Wish me luck :o)
These are just a few things I played with today - VERY simple exercises, but hey, it's a start LOL! Enjoy!
Our grandson, Corson

Removing some of the colour

Burgundy trillliums

Removing some of the colour

Adding a blur filter

Our grandson chasing bubbles

Removing some of the colour

My parents on their honeymoon

Adding a vingette