Do you remember when we were children and time seemed to drift by slowly and holidays seemed to take "forever" to get here? I'd like to know when that changed because now there aren't nearly enough hours in the day to do everything, especially this time of year, when the weather is so absolutely lovely outside.
I finally got another bear finished and Jack made his debut on Ebay last night. This one is one of the antique style bears that I love so much. The mohair is hand-dyed and it helps to give Jack that patchy, worn look. I spent hours distressing him and I'm really pleased with his final "look". Jack needed something to wear, so I gave him a simple Sailor collar and after I spend time aging and distressing the fabric, it was perfect. I think he's pretty cute.
Perfectly distressed and soooo handsome!!
Warmest bear hugs, Aleta
Your work is amazing Brenda - so perfectly aged! It's been lovely to read your blog and see your photographs .. thanks for sharing them with us!
By the way, did you know there are fun and games in blog land? Me neither until I was 'tagged'! Remember 'tag' from school? Well, 'you're it!' To find out more, please pop over to my blog where all will be revealed!
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